Individualized Treatment Plans

Every child has the right to learn.


We create comprehensive treatment plans that focus on skill building and behavior reduction goals, tailored uniquely to your child’s skills and family’s needs.

Prior to the development of your child’s individualized treatment plan, our team will assess your child using a variety of assessment tools. Assessments will be completed prior to the start of sessions and every six months after to evaluate progress and update individualized treatment plan.

We assess and focus in the areas of cooperation/reinforcement effectiveness, receptive language, expressive language, intraverbal language, visual performance, imitation skills, self help and independent living skills, fine motor and gross motor skills, social skills, and play skills.

A list of our assessment tools include but not limited to:

  • Assessment of Basic Language and Learning Skills
  • Functional Behavior Assessment
  • Essential for Living
  • Assessment of Functional Living Skills
  • Verbal Behavior Milestone Assessment and Placement Programs
  • Autism Treatment Evaluation Checklist


1:1 ABA Sessions

Integrating home and community.


Your child will work 1:1 with a Behavior Therapist in your home or out in the community. The Behavior Therapist will implement your child’s Individualized Treatment Service Plan and Individualized Behavior Intervention Plan to focus on behavior and skill building goals. The Behavior Therapist will actively take data for all skill building programs and behaviors that occur at every session. Data is used to analyze and interpret your child’s progress and is essential for all treatment decisions.

Parent Training and Family Support

Your needs are a priority. YOU are vital to to your child’s success.


 The family has a significant impact on progress, and we are here to prepare the family with the skills necessary to implement ABA principles. We provide parents, family members and caregivers training opportunities that focus on ABA concepts, teaching procedures, and behavior strategies to promote generalization of skills outside of session and in the home and community. We always encourage parents to participate in sessions with the Behavior Therapist! 

Social Skills Training

Building relationships.


We provide opportunities throughout the year for clients to participate in Social Skills programs to focus on increasing socialization skills. Our program will also focus on generalization of mastered and/or developing skills acquired in intensive 1:1 sessions, including communication, cooperation, self-help, and behavior reduction. Your child’s current goals and objectives will be implemented in a group environment with their peers and our team members.

Our Social Skills Program includes:

FIRST BUDDIES – Social Skills and School Readiness Program for early learners

PALS – Social Skills Program for elementary children

PEERS® – UCLA’s Program for the Education and Enrichment of Relational Skills (PEERS®) for adolescents and young adults – Coming soon!

Skill Building Goals

We focus on life skills that promote learning and life long changes.





Behavior Reduction

